Brian Graham

Brian Graham
San Francisco
Everything is designed, notes Brian Graham who, conversely, designs almost everything. Perhaps best known for elegant casegoods and office furniture systems, Graham is involved in a wide range of genres, consulting across disciplines and crafting integrated design programs for his clients.
Graham received a BFA in Interior Architectural Design at California State University, Long Beach, where he also served as an Adjunct Professor. In 1999, he established the Graham Design studio in San Francisco, to offer a strategic approach to the design, development and marketing of furniture, lighting and related products for the contract market. Today, Graham is widely respected for his work with industry leaders, including Knoll, Geiger, Halcon and Decca.
With deep roots in architecture and interior design, Graham has developed successful sales environments for companies as diverse as Apple Computers, Collins & Aikman, Mottura and Martin Brattrud. Beyond products and exhibits, Graham's broad design literacy allows him to orchestrate programs as he did for Decca, advising on the company's overall creative path, as well as contributing product and showroom design.
Graham's design solutions have been recognized by the most prestigious organizations in the U.S., including the American Institute of Architects (AIA), The Institute of Business Designers, The International Interior Design Association (IIDA), Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture & Design, The International Facilities Management Association and The Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA).